Maskinister til vikarturer på PSV
HRC søker maskinister til vikarturer på PSV.
Turer har vanligvis 4 ukers varighet, men der kan være behov til kortere oppdrag også
Krav til stillingen:
Minimum M4 for 2. maskinister og M2 for 1.maskinister
Videregående sikkerhetskurs
Designated Security Duties
FSE Lav- og Høyspenning
Pass og sjømannsbok
Om arbeidsgiver
Personalhuset HRC Offshore is a segment in Personalhuset within the maritime and offshore industry. Since 2002 HRC Offshore has been the leading external supplier of maritime and offshore manpower to the Norwegian offshore fleet.
HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to advanced offshore vessels and rigs, operating all over the world. Recruiting the right people will decide whether a business succeeds or not. The current labour market presents us with new challenges every day. Creativity and developing our services in close collaboration with our customers are vital to our success.
Our strength is our knowledge of the labour market, our in-depth knowledge of the maritime and offshore business, our unique network, our accurate website and our unique knowledge of the industry. We base what we do on your actual needs and we set in motion a process that involves all parties in an inspirational way. HRC works to strict ethical rules towards both employer and candidate, as well as being an enthusiastic team player for our customers.
Personalhuset HRC Offshore wants to be a step on the path to your success!
Karolina Hoff